Dereliction and demolition
I’m well used to photographing beautiful buildings and finished architectural masterpieces. From Georgian villas to renovated toilets, I’ve shot all sorts of finished projects.
But you have to break eggs to make an omelette, and sometimes the demolition and clearing of a site, or capturing the strange beauty of a derelict building can yield some great images.

These stages are often overlooked however, and I’ve shot for developers, builders and architects who have all said at some time ‘I wished we’d photographed it before, so people can see what we’ve done to the place’

It’s something that should be budgeted into any large project - memories fade quickly, and people have an aversion to anything new, so being able to show local residents that the new development you’ve taken part in replaced a dilapidated rat-run, can turn opinions.
You may also have funding in place to improve the area - nothing shows the results of your hard work more than professional architectural images of the before and after.

With an eye for images, I can document any site and provide incredible images that capture a moment in time, so before you send the diggers in - get in touch