Conferences and events
Whether you’re organising a conference, an annual dinner, an awards evening or a staff event, professional event photography will help you to:
* record the event,
* give you marketing material to market the event in subsequent years,
* provide a lasting reminder to attendees, of the work and effort that’s put in to organising these kind of events.
* give a flavour of the event to anyone who couldn't attend
*reassure sponsors that an event they supported was well attended
I've photographed awards ceremonies, dinners, weddings, staff parties and conferences, so if you're looking for an event photographer, just get in touch.
After the event, use images to engage with your key suppliers such as caterers, venue providers or entertainers, which will mean further reach for your business and added value for your event, and why not issue a press release to the local business press - they’re always looking for success stories, so providing quality images of prize winners, key speakers and attendees gives you a higher chance of gaining valuable press space. To enquire about your own event and check availability, just get in touch.